Saturday, June 18, 2011


1. Poster Titles/sizes: RedLady 18X24
2. 5.12.2011; Rexburg, Idaho;
3. f5.6; 1/100; Canon Rebel T2i; Manual

4. Edits: RedLady: On this image I adjusted the Saturation levels, clarity, exposure, brightness, and contrast in Camera Raw. I then added a sharpening mask in Photoshop and masked out most of the effect except for right on the focal point.

5. A paragraph about process, why you chose this image(s), and explain your photographic and editing techniques.
There is a story that goes along with this picture. I opened my fridge one evening to reach for my strawberries. I am about to put this particular berry in my mouth when I notice a little friend hanging out on my strawberry. Sadly his (Nelson to be exact) little legs were stuck in a small web, but he was hanging onto life. This little fighter must have been in my fridge for at least two days. Anyways I got excited and grabbed my camera. I had to open my f-stop because the lack of light in my apartment. I chose this picture because it exemplifies what I have learned about photography as well as tells a story for me. I wanted to print something that would be fun to put up in my apartment or even my house one day, and that is why I chose this image. As for the process and photographic techniques, I had to adjust this image a lot. I took it in my dark apartment so I had to stop my aperture down to 5.6. Still the focus and lighting was not exactly perfect, so I started in Camera Raw. I adjusted the exposure and lighting, but it still needed more work. I then increased the saturation levels and opened it in PhotoShop. I added a smart-sharpen layer with a black mask. I then applied the sharpening effect to only the focal points of the berry and ladybug. I had to add content on the bottom and right side to crop it.

1. Poster Titles/sizes: Shattered 18X24
2. 5.25.11; 2pm; Bannack, Montana
3. f5; 1/100; Canon Rebel T2i; Manual

4. Edits: Shattered: I adjusted Saturation levels, exposure, and brightness in Camera Raw. I also added 3 adjustment brushes to lighten different areas of the photo in Camera Raw as well. I also added a vignette in Camera Raw. No edits were done in Photoshop.
5. A paragraph about process, why you chose this image(s), and explain your photographic and editing techniques.
I had a lot of fun with this image at Bannack. We got into this really old building that had a bunch of broken glass, bottles, and china in it. The light was low from the shadows of the building so I took my f-stop down to 5. I snapped the shot and ended with a great image that was almost perfectly exposed, but it had possibilities to be better. I started playing around in Camera raw and adjusted saturation levels, brightness, contrast, and clarity. I then added 3 adjustment brushed in order to add appropriate light around the bottles and add a more center focus to the china piece. Lastly I added a simple black vignette. I then opened it in Photoshop and up-sampled it in order to allow cropping. I then cropped the image a little to the left and ended with an 18X24 print. I chose this image because it is simple and beautiful. I don't think the quality will ever decrease, so I should be able to put this up in my apartment and future home.

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