Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 7: Scanography



1. Letters: 5.4.11; Rexburg Idaho; Resolution 800; Espon Stylus NX105
2. Banana Grams: 5.4.11; Rexburg Idaho; Resolution 800; Espon Stylus NX105
2. Hungry: 5.4.11; Rexburg Idaho; Resolution 800; Espon Stylus NX105

Scanography is something very new to me, but I love the possibilities this technique offers. I love the unique plane of focus. It is very limited and almost everything that is not directly on the glass is out of focus. The color and resolution is so clear and true I was surprised. At first I thought this technique was limiting, but now have come to appreciate the great art some have produced through this medium. The first two scans are just single scans. Minor editing was done such as saturation in Camera Raw. I also added a slight white vignette to 'Letters'. For the collage scan I scanned all the apple stages individually. Then I took the files into Photoshop and selected the fruit and merged them onto one layer. I then added a black mask and erased to allow the fruit to show through. All scanning was done with a Espon Stylus NX105 at 800 resolution.


  1. Very well done with you image called "Letters". To start off i really think that placing it on your blog horizontal instead of vertical would be much better. I keep trying to turn in order to see what it is. Perhaps you wanted it this way however. I just like the fact that you placed things away from the scanner to give it some fade and help other elements stand out. It is soft to look at. Gives a sense of old time to me. The one letter looks like it came from Europe. I think it is a great concept.

  2. Your scans are really creative. My favorite one is the letters. I like how you don't have everything touching the scanner so it looks like things are further away. I like the different colors that you have in there, they pop out with all the white. I like the coloring of whatever is behind the banana grams pictures. It is more subtle but i like the coloring it gives the picture, it ads to it's attractiveness.
